Commercial 9.57 Acres Green Mount Rd. & Lebanon Ave. Shiloh, IL

9.57 Acres for Sale in Shiloh, Illinois
Commercial Land Located on the Corner of Greenmount Rd & Lebanon Ave
(Click Here for Full Sales Flyer)
- Land is Zoned B-4 General Business District
- 9.57 Acres +/-
- Price: $1,895,000 ($4.54/PSF)
- Average daily traffic count according to the Illinois Dept. of Transportation
Approx. 17,500 vehicles per day on Greenmount Rd.
Approx. 9,650 vehicles per day on Lebanon Ave.
Click the links below for further information:
Aerial Photo
Site Survey
Schedule A: Permitted & Special Uses (B-4 General Business Zoning)
Building Codes for the Village of Shiloh
Development Codes for the Village of Shiloh
Aerial Parcel Map
Parcel Number Map
Ordinance [Rezoning] 7-6-2022
Restrictive Covenants [Rezoning] 7-6-2022
St. Clair County Health Department Letter Regarding Aeration Waste Water Treatment
Proposed Concept Plan for Gaming / Convenience Mart / Gas Station
Proposed Concept Plan for a Gaming/ Convenience Mart / Gas Station / Fast Food Restaurant
9.57 Acres Available through Ambrosia Land Investments, LLC